-Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.
— unknown

Sherese Coleman


Medical Assistant



Sherese works firsthand with the clinic staff, doctors and nurses to assist with patient care. She triages patients, answer questions, patient education and teaching, assist with procedures. Furthermore she document charts, send and receive medical records, follow up on referrals, administers injections, insurance appeals and copay assistance to help patients afford their medications.  Sherese has a double bachelors in athletic training and kinesiology. Straight out of high school she wanted to be an athletic trainer on the collegiate level and had an internship opportunity that ended due to funding. She went back to school for her medical assistant certifications and ended up doing an internship with infectious disease. She most enjoys working with patients and says, “they are like an extended family and also my coworkers have the same goal at hand to provide care with no biased opinion with hopes of breaking the stigma behind HIV.” Sherese enjoys riding her motorcycle or crafting in her free time. She floated around roper for 7 years in the Resource pool and received many offers for permanent positions, but told them that the only place she would settle down in was our Health Services Center! Sherese genuinely loves her job, “It doesn’t feel like a job to me.” The best piece of advice she has ever been given, “I remember my high school track coach told me when I was struggling to pick a major in college. He said if you find something that you truly love to do it won’t feel like a job and you won’t get tired of doing it. It will make each day worthwhile.”